
Déléguée au CICR – Mariage Golan – 1998
Elected Médiatrice administrative cantonale suppléante by the Grand Conseil (Parliament) Geneva, 28 February

Sworn by the Geneva's Council State

President Collectif Interculturel de Médiation (CIM)

Member Association pour la Justice Restaurative (AJURES)

Member Fédération Suisse des Associations de Médiation (FSM)

MemberInternational Ombudsman Association (IOA)


"Set in French Equatorial Africa, the book is the story of a crusading environmentalist, Morel, who labors to preserve elephants from extinction, but which narrative is actually a metaphor for the quest for salvation for all humanity. He is assisted in the task by Minna, a nightclub hostess, and Forsythe, a disgrace British military officer seeking redemption"

L’enfer est pavé des meilleures intentions

Anachronic text full of humour essential to essential negotiations

"Originality resides here in the abnormality which haunts Dandin and Chicaneau : The exagerated taste of appeal to justice, and procedural folly."

Humility, non-judgment and respect from Michkine Prince toward everyone.

NO. It doesn't move but grows. NO is defeated when one dares to go through.


Magnificent mediator

This fiction is a very realistic mediation between business partners

The conflict until the end