Photos Luminous, spacious, welcoming and quiet space "Colored pills to heal wounds inflicted by conflicts" 1995Madrid-AbkhaziaCésar Ávila, www.grá Spanish Prime ministre's visit, Felipe Gonzales in Mostar. I was in charged of humanitarian programs for MPDL (Movimiento for la Paz el Diearme y la Libertad) in former Yugoslavia, financed by European Community, 1994 Red Cross Day, race and drawing contest, organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Education for pupils after armed conflict. 1996 Mariage in the Golan, border Israel-Syria, ICRC délégateur, 1997 Crêperie El Progreso 2000-2012 Easyjet newspaper advising the Crêperie Voluntary interpreter, Russian-Italian, for an integrative theater camp, Ticino Saint Petersburg, summer 2007